Gachanja Anthony Ngure
Department of Chemistry
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Academic Post doctoral studies (1994, University of Plymouth, England); Phd Anal./environ. chem. (1991, University of Hull, Hull, England); Msc Anal. Science (1983,University of Hull, Hull, England). Bsc Chemistry (1981,University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya). Work Experience Full professor (2010); Associate professor (2004);Senior lecturer JKUAT (1995); Pesticide research chemist at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nairobi (1983); Professional Bodies Chartered Scientist, CSci (2005) Kenya Chemical Society (1997) Chartered Chemist, MRSC, (1993) Registered Environmental Lead Expert (NEMA)
Research Interest
*Air quality monitoring *Design and Fabrication of water purification cartridge using locally available materials *Development of a flow injection methods *Survey and testing of plants of medicinal value
Ngumba E., Gachanja A., Kiptoo J., Studies on the degradation kinetics and levels of chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos in water systems within coffee growing zones of Kiambu county, Kenya. Presented in 1st PACN Congress on agricultural productivity, held in Accra, Ghana, 21-23 November 2011.
Kareru P.G., Keriko J.M., Gachanja A. N., Kenji G.M., Anti-termite and antimicrobial properties of paint made from Thevetia Peruviana (Pers.) Schum. Oil extract. Africa Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol. 4(1). pp. 000-000, 2010.
Patrick L Kinney, Michael Gatari Gichuru, Nicole Volavka-Close, Nicole Ngo, Peter K Ndiba, Anna Law, Anthony Gachanja, Samuel Mwaniki Gaita, Steven N Chillrud, Elliott Sclar Traffic Impacts on PM(2.5) Air Quality in Nairobi, Kenya. Environmental Science Policy Vol14, 2011, 369-378