Agri and Aquaculture

Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Geofrey Waweru

Tutorial Fellow
Department of Land Resource Planning and Management
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


EDUCATION BACK GROUND October 2011 to date Ghent University (Belgium) Progamme: PhD. Building resilience to drought in laikipia east district, Kenya: the conservation agriculture perspective September 2008-september 2010 Ghent University (Belgium) Programme: Msc. Physical Land Resources (Soil Science Major) Award: Greatest Distinction Thesis Topic: Developing pedotransfer functions to predict soil the water retention curve of Kenyan soils April 2001-July 2005 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Programme: Bachelor of Science Degree in Horticulture. Award: First Class Honors. Member Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK) Member Soil Science Society for East Africa AWARDS 2010- De Boodt-Maselis for Eremology Prize (Ghent University) 2004- JKUAT BABAROA TRUST AWARD 2005 - JKUAT BABAROA TRUST AWARD

Research Interest

Conservation agriculture - Soil water management - Climate Change - Desertification - Land Degradation - Soil-water-plant relations

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