
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

George Maina Ndegwa

Associate Professor
Department of Land Resource Planning and Management
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS (i) Formal courses · Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (1992-1996), Irrigation, Drainage and Water Management. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Japan. Thesis: “Rationalization of Irrigation Water Requirements in Humid Upland Fields of Japan”. · Master of Science (1984-‘86), Land and Water Management (Irrigation Water Management), Silsoe College, Cranfield University, United Kingdom. Thesis title: Irrigation Scheduling: Irrigation Management Services (IMS). “Evaluation of a computer-aided irrigation scheduling model” · Bsc. (Hons) (1978-1981), Physics and mathematics, University of Nairobi, Kenya. (ii) Other Qualifications: · East Africa Advanced Certificate of Education (1976-1977), Njiiri’s High School, Muranga District, Kenya. Three Principal passes. · East Africa Certificate of Education (1972-1975), Kirimara High School, Nyeri District, Kenya. · Certificate of Primary Education (1964-1971), Gathuki-mundu Primary School, Mukurweini, Nyeri District, Kenya. KEY QUALIFICATIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS · Associate Professor, Land Resources Management, Department of Land Resources and Animal Sciences (LR&AS), JKUAT; since May 2010. Tasks involve curriculum development and training of BSc, MSc and PhD students; conducting research and Community service. Areas of interest are Irrigation, Drainage, Water Management, Environmental Management, Soil Physics, among others. · PhD (Irrigation, Drainage and Water Management); MSc (Land and Water Management, Irrigation Water Management Option); various short courses on Environmental Managemt. · Lead Expert, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Audit (EA); Registered with NEMA, Reg no 0861, of 7th Sept 2005. · Over 20 scientific publications in refereed journals, scientific reports and presentations in and out of Kenya, out of which 8 are in refereed journals. · Senior Lecturer, Soil, Water and Environmental Engineering; Biomechanical and Environmental Engineering Department (BEED), JKUAT, Kenya, for 13 yrs (1997-2010). · Former Chairman, Agricultural Engineering Department, JKUAT (1998–2000). Duties included all administrative duties of dept, teaching, research, and community service. · Co-Chair, JKUAT Committee on Education for Sustainable development (ESD), from Aug 2009. Committee has closely collaborated with NEMA to train JKUAT members on ESD; it has presently developed an ESD Policy framework to make JKUAT a sustainable university soon. · JKUAT Institutional Coordinator, CIMO North-South-South Wastewater Treatment Project (since Dec 2007). Project has presently fully sponsored six (6) JKUAT postgraduate students (five Msc & one PhD) to Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), Finland, since 2008 as Exchange students to carry out research work, while two (2) staff members also visited LUT in April 2009. The project also funded an intensive two weeks’ course on ‘Wastewater Treatment Technologies’ between 3rd and 13th Aug 2009 at JKUAT where 30 JKUAT participants were trained (Staff, Msc and PhD students). · JKUAT Representative to WaterNET (since 2006), a regional network of professionals in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in universities and Research institutions in East and Southern Africa. Network provides a forum for sharing research findings through Symposia held annually on a rotational basis among member countries. Kenya, through its JKUAT Rep, has applied to WaterNet to bid for the hosting of the 2011 symposium and results will be known soon. · Resource person in short courses in JKUAT and AICAD. These include Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Audit (EA); Regional and National courses in irrigation and water resources management, among others. · Visiting Lecturer to Bunda College, University of Malawi, 2003 and 2004, to lecture on Sustainable Environmental Management of Irrigated Areas, Hydro-geology, others. · Teaching Assistant, Okayama University, Japan. (Sept, 1995-Feb, 1996). · Consultant in Irrigation, Water management and the Environment. Recent consultancies include Evaluation of the project on improving the performance of irrigation in Kenya (IPIA); a KARI project, Nairobi, Kenya. · Researcher, KARI, for about nine (9) years; rose from Assistant Research Officer (1981) to Research Officer and Acting Head of Irrigation and Drainage Research, NARL. · Vice-Chairman, Njiiri Old Boys Association (NOBA), (2000-2008). This is a voluntary

Research Interest

wastewater treatment research


  • Njihia, C.M., Macharia D.W. and Ndegwa G.M. (1984). Effects of Soil Permeability On Rice Fields: The Wamumu case study (Mwea Irrigation Settlement, Kenya). IDRP Report No. 43, National Agricultural Laboratories (NAL), Ministry of Agriculture, Nairobi, 22P.

  • Ndegwa G.M. (1987). Inventory of Development of Irrigation Schemes in Central, Rift Valley and Western Parts of Kenya. Annual Report, National Agricultural Laboratories (NAL), Ministry of Agriculture, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 27 – pp 29.

  • Ndegwa G.M. and Radiro M.P.O. (1990). Some Small-scale Irrigation Projects of Central Province of Kenya. IDRP Report No. 51, National Agricultural Laboratories (NAL), Ministry of Agriculture, Nairobi, Kenya. 32p.

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