Kareru Patrick Gachoki
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Academic/Work Experience PhD (2008); MSc (1987); BSc (1981); Senior lecturer (2009) Recipient of commendation for outstanding work as Innovator at JKUAT, 2007
Research Interest
1. Research & Development of industrial and agro-based products 2. Herbal medicines (natural products chemistry)
Mercy Githua, Patrick Kareru, Ahmed Hassanali, Joseph Keriko, Grace Murilla, Mary Ndungu and Gathu Nyagah (2011). Antitrypanosomal Tetratriterpenoids from Toona ciliata roots. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 2(7): 1042-1047
John K Muthee, Daniel W Gakuya, James M Mbaria, Patrick G Kareru, Charles M. Mulei J, Francis K Njonge (2011). Ethnobotanical study of anthelmintic and other medicinal plants traditionally used in Loitoktok district of Kenya, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 135: 15-21
Keno D Kowanga, E Gatebe, G T Thiong’o and P Kareru (2012). Biosorption of Cu(II) and Pb(II) using Maerua subcordata root tubers. Tanzania Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (TaJONAS), ISSN 1821-7249, pp 409-415