Pacificah Florence Okemwa
Gender and Development Studies
Kenyatta University
Dr. Pacificah Florence Okemwa is 2007 to Date: Lecturer, Department of Gender and Development Studies 2004- 2007 : Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Kenyatta University. She is specilized in Gender Issues in Religion and Culture, Gender and HIV/AIDS, Gender based Violence and the Teaching of Gender/ Women Studies in Kenya.
Research Interest
Gender and African Culture, Gender-based Violence, Teaching Gender /Women Studies in Kenya
Pacificah F. Okemwa, Impact of Adventist Schooling on the Status of Women in Kenya. In Quests for Integrity in Africa, edited by Wamue G.N & Theuri M. Acton Publishers, Nairobi 2003, ISBN No. 9966-888-28-4.
Pacificah F. Okemwa, Maid in Nairobi in the Age of HIV/AIDS: The plight of Domestic Workers Facing AIDS in Africa- Cases from Kenya. In Women, Religion and HIV/AIDS in Africa: Responding to Ethical and Theological Challenges, edited by Hinga T.M, Kubai A.N. & Mwaura P.N. Cluster, Pieter Maritzburg 2008, ISBN No. 1875053697.
Pacificah F. Okemwa, Context and Reality of Gender-Based Violence in Kenya, Reaction to CIPEV Report. Gender Roundtable, Nairobi: 2009, ISSN No. 2073-8943.