
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Paul Onsare Onchera

Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Media
University of Kabianga


DR. PAUL ONSARE ONCHERA, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in English language education, Moi University- December, 2011 Master of Philosophy in Educational Communication and Technology (English education) (M.Phil), Moi University-December,2005 Bachelor of Education –Arts, B.Ed (Hons) Moi University-1994

Research Interest

Teaching English as a second language


  • Manyasi, B.N & Onchera P.O. (2013): Instruction of reading for nationhood: English language teachers’ cognition in Kenya; journal of emerging trends in educational research and policy studies (JETERAPS), 2013, Vol. 4 Issue. 5

  • Onchera P.O. (2013): The pedagogical hindrances to oral communication skills in English in Kenya: a case of secondary schools in Kisii county; Education Research journal (, July, 2013, Vol. 4 Issue. 7

  • Onchera P.O.& Mwamba ,R. (2009): The effects of classroom language on acquisition of English in Kenyan public primary schools: A case of Kisii municipality; The Educator, 2009, Vol. 2 Issue. 2

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