Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology Experts

Amugune N. Onzere

University of Nairobi


AMUGUNE N. ONZERE is a Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of Nairobi

Research Interest

Genetic transformation and tissue culture of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. and other grain legumes (cow pea, Vigna unguicuilata) Molecular characterization and tissue culture of cereals (rice, wheat). Tissue culture of tropical fruits and ornamental plants- passion fruit and African violet Micropopagation and conservation of endangered plants (Melia volkensii, Moringa oleifera) . Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified crops (cotton, maize).


  • Siameto, E. N., Okoth, S.A, Amugune, N.O., Chege NC. 2011. Molecular characterization and identification of biocontrol isolates of Trichoderma harzianum from Embu district, Kenya. . Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems. 13:81–90.

  • Amugune, NO, B Anyango B, Mukiama TK. 2011. Arobacterium-mediated transformation of common bean.

  • Mulanda E. S., Adero M. O., Amugune N. O., Akunda E., J.I. K. 2012. High- frequency regeneration of the drought-tolerant tree Melia volkensii Gurke using low-cost agrochemical Thidiazuron. Biotechnology Research International. 2012(818472, 5):10.

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