Woontack Woo
Graduate School of Culture TechnologyÂ
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Dr. Woontack Woo has received his Ph.D degree from University of Southern California and is currently working in Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, Korea.
Research Interest
AR, 3D Vision, DigiLog UI/UX
Ha T, Lee H, Woo W. DigiLog Space: Real-time dual space registration and dynamic information visualization for 4D+ augmented reality. InUbiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR), 2012 International Symposium on 2012 Aug 22 (pp. 22-25). IEEE.
Jang Y, Noh ST, Chang HJ, Kim TK, Woo W. 3d finger cape: Clicking action and position estimation under self-occlusions in egocentric viewpoint. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics. 2015 Apr 18;21(4):501-10.