Miguel Gómez
Department of Finance
Korea University
Miguel I. Gómez is Associate Professor at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. He is a Fellow of the David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future at Cornell University
Research Interest
Supply Chains Competitiveness and Sustainability: My work in this area involves multi-disciplinary collaborations and my primary contribution is the development of normative optimization models to assess supply chain performance in multiple dimensions - economic, social and environmental. A growing research area is the development of bioeconomic models to identify profit-maximizing strategies to manage invasive species in agriculture with applications to wine grapes, soft-skinned fruits, and coffee
Sönmez E, Lee D, Gómez MI, Fan X. Improving food bank gleaning operations: An application in New York State. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2015 Dec 18;98(2):549-63.
Richards TJ, Gómez MI, Printezis I. Hysteresis, Price Acceptance, and Reference Prices. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2015 Nov 23;98(3):679-706.
Atallah SS, Gómez MI, Conrad JM. Specification of spatial-dynamic externalities and implications for strategic behavior in disease control. Land Economics. 2017 May 1;93(2):209-29.