
Engineering Experts

Ng Yin Kwee

School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering College of Engi
Korea University


Assoc. Professor in MAE; Snr. Hall Fellow. Ng obtained a B.Eng (CL I) from Uni. of Newcastle upon Tyne; Ph.D at Cambridge Univ. with a Cambridge Commonwealth Scholarship; PG Diploma in Teaching Higher Edu., NIE-NTU. He published > 370 papers in SCI-IF int. journal (252); int. conf. proceedings (117), textbook chapters (81) and others (22) over the 22 years. Co-edited 10 books on “Cardiac Pumping and Perfusion Engineering” by WSP (2007); “Imaging and Modelling of Human Eye” by Artech (2008); “Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare, v.1” by ASP (2009); “Performance Evaluation in Breast Imaging, Tumor Detection & Analysis” by ASP (2010); “Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare, v.3” by ASP (2011); “Computational Analysis of Human eye with Applications” by WSP (2011); “Human Eye Imaging and Modeling” by CRC (2011); “Multimodality Breast Imaging” by SPIE (2013); “Image Analysis and Modeling in Ophthalmology”; “Ophthalmology Imaging and Applications” by CRC (2013, 2014). Also, he co-authored a text book: “Compressor Instability with Integral Methods” by Springer (2007). He is the Editor-in-Chief for the ISI Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology for dissemination of original research in all fields of mechanics in medicine and biology since 2000; Founding Editor-in-Chief for the ISI indexed Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics; Strategy Assoc. Editor-in-Chief for World Journal of Clinical Oncology; associate editor of eight referred international journals including Int. J. of Rotating Machinery; Computational Fluid Dynamics J.; Chinese J. of Medicine; The Open Medical Informatics J.; J. of Biomedical Science and Engineering; The Open Numerical Methods J.; J. of Healthcare Engineering, and, guest editor for the Int. Journal of Computer Applications in Technology,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine & Int. Journal of Medical Systems. His main area of research is thermal imaging, human physiology, biomedical engg; computational turbomachinery aerodynamics; micro-scale cooling problems; computational fluid dynamics & numerical heat transfer. His latest work on human eye biomechanics and burn injury thermal physics is being used in the space suits for intense thermal loading in planetary missions.

Research Interest

His main area of research is thermal imaging, biomedical engineering; computational turbomachinery aerodynamics; marine sustainable energy problems; computational fluid dynamics & computational heat transfer such as laser modelling, bioheat transfer analysis. He is the: Adjunct National University Hospital Scientist; Editor-in-Chief for the J. of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology; J. Med. Imaging and Health Informatics (Founding EiC); and strategy Assoc. Editor-in-Chief for World J. of Clinical Oncology; Assoc. Editor for Int. J. of Rotating Machinery; Computational Fluid Dynamics J. (CFDJ); Int. J. of Breast Cancer, Chinese J. of Medicine, Open Medical Informatics J., Open Numerical Methods J., J. of Healthcare Engg, J. of Scientific Conf. Proceedings, and J. of Bionano Science & many more; co-chairman for 15th Int. Conf. on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (2006); co-chair of the working group on thermal imagers under Medical Technology Standards Committee by SPRING, Singapore (handling the international standardisation aspects for thermal imagers for ISO-IEC) etc.


  • Tan JH, Ng YK, Rajendra Udyavara Acharya, Chee C. (2009). Infrared Thermography on Ocular Surface Temperature: A Review. Infrared Physics and Technology, 52(4), 97-108.

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