Poenar Daniel Puiu
"Division of Chemistry & Biological Chemistry School of Phys
Korea University
"Poenar Daniel Puiu received the M.Sc. degree in electronics and telecommunications in 1989 from Polytechnic University, Bucharest, Romania. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University Delft in 1996. He then joined the Institute of Microelectronics (IME) Singapore, as a Research Engineer until 1999. Since 2000 he has been an Assistant Professor with the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. His research interest are MEMS and micromachining and their application for the development of sensors and actuators, especially for (bio)chemical devices. Dr. Poenar is co-author of more than 70 papers published in journals and conferences proceedings. "
Research Interest
"Sensors & actuators; MEMS; Si processing; (Bio)chemical sensors; bio-photonics; colour discriminators (e.g. using triple junction structures); miniaturization of bio-analitical methods (e.g. spectrometry, electrophoresis, chromatography) for (Bio)chemical applications, as well as optical detection for these separation methods; bio-photonics & opto-fluidics "
Zhang J, Ho AT, Qiu G, Marziliano P. Robust video watermarking of H. 264/AVC. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 2007 Feb;54(2):205-9.
Sajay BN, Chang CP, Ahmad H, Chung WC, Puiu PD, Rahman AR. Towards an optimal and unbiased approach for tumor cell isolation. Biomedical microdevices. 2013 Aug 1;15(4):699-709.
Poenar DP, Iliescu C, Boulaire J, Yu H. Labelâ€free virus identification and characterization using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Electrophoresis. 2014 Feb 1;35(2-3):433-40.