
Chemical Engineering Experts

Ryo Kitada

"Division of Chemistry & Biological Chemistry School of Phys
Korea University


Ryo Kitada studied cognitive neuroscience in Japan and Canada, completed his Ph.D in Human and Environmental Studies at Kyoto University in Japan. Then, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow and research associate at Queen’s University in Canada. From 2008 to 2016, he worked as an assistant professor at National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) Japan (tenured since 2014). He won the JPA Award for International Contributions to Psychology from the Japanese Psychological Association, an award given to distinguished young researchers in 2015. Since 2017, he is a Nanyang Associate Professor at NTU. His focuses of research are (1) to understand the mechanisms underlying multisensory perception and social cognition and (2) how innate and postnatal experience are interacted with each other to develop them. He uses both psychophysics and neuroimaging techniques to address these questions

Research Interest

Multisensory perception, Social cognition, Touch, Haptics, Neuroimaging, Brain stimulation, Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology, Sensory deprivation, Computational modelling, Virtual/Mixed Reality


  • Tanaka SC, Yamada K, Kitada R, Tanaka S, Sugawara SK, Ohtake F, Sadato N. Overstatement in happiness reporting with ordinal, bounded scale. Scientific reports. 2016;6.

  • Okamoto Y, Kosaka H, Kitada R, Seki A, Tanabe HC, Hayashi MJ, Kochiyama T, Saito DN, Yanaka HT, Munesue T, Ishitobi M. Age-dependent atypicalities in body-and face-sensitive activation of the EBA and FFA in individuals with ASD. Neuroscience Research. 2017 Feb 11.

  • Yang J, Kitada R, Kochiyama T, Yu Y, Makita K, Araki Y, Wu J, Sadato N. Brain networks involved in tactile speed classification of moving dot patterns: the effects of speed and dot periodicity. Scientific Reports. 2017;7.

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