
Pharmaceutical Sciences Experts

Hang-myung Lee



  The pharmaceutical industry in Korea has a long history of nearly 120 years, and it has been more than 70 years since the foundation of the Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (KPBMA). Up until now, the Korean pharmaceutical industry has been working hard in order to improve the national health and to promote better quality of life, and takes pride in being a protector of Korean people’s health.  We have been making huge efforts to develop and supply safer and more efficient high-quality drugs, to expand R&D investment in medicinal products so that we can keep pace with the most advanced pharmaceutical firms in the world, and to continue expanding our cutting-edge manufacturing facil-ities. In 2015, as a result, we have achieved a world-renowned technology export in the history of pharmaceuticals, and are also seeing more and more domestic medicinal products entering into the global market, and plants based on our technology being exported overseas.  As a both representative industry in the biotech field and core industry of the world economy in the 21st century, pharmaceutical industry is gathering attention more than ever in Korea, praised as future growth engine and core of the creative economy. Therefore, I dare to say that now is the time of hope and importance than ever.  What the KPBMA and its 201 member companies is focusing on, besides developing new drugs through R&D investment and entering into global market, is the establishment of transparent distri-bution order. Following the establishment of Code of Ethics and Voluntary Compliance Program for Fair Trade, to this end, the KPBMA revised and adopted Principles on Business Ethics in 2014 with the realization of corporate social value and cultivation of a sense of ethics as their number one priority and pledge to proactively practice its principles. 2015 Compliance Checklist is the result that shows well about our efforts to practice ethical management. Also, as a responsible member of society, the KPBMA is making various social contributions to meet social responsibility.  In the huge global pharmaceutical market that is worth over 1.2 trillion dollars, the Korean pharma-ceutical industry will continue its efforts to increase national wealth and contribute to the national economy, while proposing values and visions for Korean pharmaceutical industry to the people of Korea, communicating with them to share our visions. We look forward to your support and encour-agement.  

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 pharmaceutical sciences

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