Kyung-hwan Kim
Plant Sciences
National Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Kyung-Hwan Kim is the Head of Plant Phenomics Laboratory at the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA. Currently, the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences has been setting a high-throughput crop phenotyping (HTCP) facility with RGB, IR, and NIR image analysis instruments for phenotyping analysis. His interest is high throughput screening the traits of crops such as rice and soybean to analyze the function of genes. Kyung-Hwan Kim is the Head of Plant Phenomics Laboratory at the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA. Currently, the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences has been setting a high-throughput crop phenotyping (HTCP) facility with RGB, IR, and NIR image analysis instruments for phenotyping analysis. His interest is high throughput screening the traits of crops such as rice and soybean to analyze the function of genes.
Research Interest
Plant Cell Culture, Plant Sciences