Hiroyuki Shimominami
Sanyo Chemical has received high praise for its technology and enjoys a high level of trust in world markets. It aims to leverage these achievements to strengthen partnerships with people in an increasing number of countries around the world, and in this way contribute to their industrial development. These motives have been driving society and industries to develop and progress. Sanyo Chemical has endeavored to answer these wishes through performance chemicals and will continue the challenge to further improve performance chemicals. Performance chemicals can be defined as chemicals evaluated by their functional characteristics, not their composition. They are widely used, permeating society and people's lives in a number of different fields, as well as supporting various industries. With customer needs becoming more developed and detailed, and with the call for products that are more gentle on people and the environment, the role of performance chemicals is becoming increasingly important.
Research Interest
Sanyo Chemical continues to actively promote Responsible Care (RC) activities, in environmental conservation, ensuring safety and accident prevention as well. By February 2001, every factory in Nagoya, Kyoto and Kashima had obtained ISO 14001, an environmental management certificate issued by the International Organization for Standardization. Sanyo Chemical places a great deal of importance on environmental conservation, occupational safety and product stewardship. We aim to live with society and to be in harmony with the environment through environmental management by adhering to the principles of RC.