Kang, Joo Hun
Assistant Professor
Life Sciences
School of Life Sciences
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 2004~2008 Ph.D. in Bioengineering (Dept. of Bio and Brain Engineering) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 2002 ~2004 M.S. in Bioengineering (Dept. of BioSystems, Currently, Dept. of Bio and Brain Engineering) Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea 1998 ~2002 (received double Bachelor’s degrees, cum laude) B.S. in Chemical Engineering (Dept. of Chemical Engineering) B.S. in Life Science (Dept. of Life Science)
Research Interest
Biomedical devices, Infectious disease, Mechanobiology,, Vascular biology, Angiogenesis, Organon-a-chip, Cancer-on-a-chip, Metastasis, Microfluidics, Isomagnetophoresis, Nanobiosensor, Cell separation, Cell Biology, Tissue Engineering, Microfabrication Techniques