Kang Sang Jin
Department of Philosophy
Seoul National University
He is broadly concerned with the formation and acceptance process of philosophical tradition, and medieval acceptance and transformation of classical thought more emphatically. He will continue his research on Abelardus (1079-1142) in the twelfth century, while intensively studying how the ancient philosophical heritage, from Augustine and Boethius to the early Scholastic, is medieval.
Research Interest
Logic and semantics surrounding medieval celebrity and the ethics that deals with the problems of happiness, destiny, and free will.
• "Research Contents and Methodology of Aristotle and Post-Western Higher Medieval Philosophy in the Western Classics", 31 (2008), pp. 201-220.
• "The Study of the 12th Century Famousism (I): The Distinction between Homo and Hominem esse," Catholic Philosophy, 15 (2010), pp. 107-136.