Rachel Xuereb
Environmental Sciences
Adi Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd
Rachel Xuereb is a chartered environmentalist and Director of Adi Associates. She has been working in the field of environmental management with both the private sector and the public sector for over 20 years. She has experience in project management, environmental assessment, and environmental management and planning. She has worked on a number of major development projects including waste management infrastructure projects and in the development of policies and environmental legislation. She is familiar with European Union environmental legislation as she was a member of several government-appointed working groups during the screening of the EU’s Environmental Acquis. Rachel has extensive experience in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and was involved in drawing up national legislation for both EIA and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Between 2003 and 2005 she was Malta’s representative on the European Union’s EIA / SEA Expert Working Group.
Research Interest
Climate change, Environmental Evaluation of Funding Programme, Environmental Impact Assessment, Noise monitoring and assessmen, Strategic Environmental Assessment