Eduardo Alberto GutiÉrrez Medina
Environmental Science
 City Clinic - University Hospital
Full professor of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration CI of the Autonomous University of Chiapas. Academic Coordinator of the Degree in Administration. Union delegate of the Faculty of Accounting and Management CI. administrative delegate of sustainable forestry commission. Director of the School of Accounting and Administration CI. Director of student development UNACH. Assistant manager, manager of companies in the private sector in areas, production, marketing, sales Oxo Good Year Tire, Continental, Euzkadi, Bridgestone,
Research Interest
Full professor of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration CI of the Autonomous University of Chiapas. Academic Coordinator of the Degree in Administration. Union delegate of the Faculty of Accounting and Management CI. administrative delegate of sustainable forestry commission. Director of the School of Accounting and Administration CI. Director of student development UNACH. Assistant manager, manager of companies in the private sector in areas, production, marketing, sales Oxo Good Year Tire, Continental, Euzkadi, Bridgestone,