Manuel De JesÚs Moguel LiÉvano
Environmental Science
Civitas Therapeutics
Director of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration CI, UNACH, currently. Professor of Full Time Titular "C" of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, CI from March 1993 to date. Advisor to the Secretary of Education of the State of Chiapas, December 2006 to July 2007. Professor in the subjects of Seminar of Humanistic, Workshop of Entrepreneurs, Administration and Seminar of Thesis, from August 16, 2007 to August 15, 2008
Research Interest
Director of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration CI, UNACH, currently. Professor of Full Time Titular "C" of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, CI from March 1993 to date. Advisor to the Secretary of Education of the State of Chiapas, December 2006 to July 2007. Professor in the subjects of Seminar of Humanistic, Workshop of Entrepreneurs, Administration and Seminar of Thesis, from August 16, 2007 to August 15, 2008