Clinical Research

Clinical Research Experts

Arkadiy Vertkin

Member of the Council
Clinical Pharmacology


 Born in 1951. Professor Arkadiy Vertkin has been a member of the Council of JSC Grindeks since 2013. A.Vertkin is the head of Therapy, Clinical Pharmacology and Ambulance Department at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSUMD) since 1989, and the Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council of MSUMD since 2012. Simultaneously, A. Vertkin is the President of Russian National Scientific-Practical Society of Ambulance Care and International Society for the Study of Age-related Involution. Also, he is the Member of the numerously Russian and international organizations. A. Vertkin is an Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation and has received several awards.

Research Interest

 Clinical Pharmacology and Ambulance Department

Global Experts from Latvia

Global Experts in Subject

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