
Healthcare Experts

Serag Zakaria

Advisory boardTropical Medicine and Hepatogastroen
Tropical Medicine and Hepatogastroenterology
Arwan Pharmaceutical Industries Lebanon s.a.l.


 Dr. Serag Zakaria is the Chairman of the Tropical Medicine and Hepatogastroenterology Department at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, and the Chairman of Alsafwa Private General Hospital in Cairo. Dr Zakaria is a graduate of the Cairo University where he also received his MD in Hepato-Gastroenterology and Infectious diseases. He has been honored by many awards during his career due to his active participation in many research projects that dealt with the epidemics of the State. Among those awards is The State Prize in Paediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Award in 1988. Dr Zakaria is an honorary member of the British Society of Gastroenterology.   He was elected as a member of the board and then as vice president of the ESGE (the European society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2000-2006) representing the Middle East. In addition to his teaching duties as a university professor, Dr Zakaria has embarked on several teaching programs in collaboration with the Egyptian Government and international bodies; most prominent is acting as principle investigator of a big training project for doctors, nurses and lab technicians supervised by the Ministry of Health and funded by the Social Fund for Development in Giza Governorate. Dr. Zakaria has a huge list of papers published in Egyptian as well as International periodicals in Tropical medicine, Hepatology, Gastrointestinal endoscopy (diagnosis and therapy) and Pediatric Gastroenterology to his name.

Research Interest

Tropical Medicine and Hepatogastroenterology

Global Experts from Lebanon

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