
Engineering Experts

Abdallah, Mirvat

Assistant Professor
Rafik Hariri University


Mirvat Abdallah an assistant professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering. She received BE degree in Civil Engineering from the Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering, 3rd branch; MS degree in Civil Engineering from the Lebanese University, Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology, and Ph.D. from the Lebanese University, Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology in cooperation with Polytechnic School , Lille 1 university - Lille, France. Her studies focused on analyzing rock slope stability under seismic action and culminated in a thesis entitled "Stability analysis of a rock mass under seismic conditions – Case study in Lebanon". Following her graduation, she began teaching academic and creative writing courses in higher education; she, moreover, continued her experience in Research.

Research Interest

Structure, Reinforced Concrete, Geotechnical, Slope stability, Interaction deep excavation-adjacent structure, Hydraulics


  • Bayoumi, A.; El Zein, L.; Khodor, J.; Abdallah, M. "recycled concrete aggregate" in proceedings of the 20th laas international science conference (laas 2014), Beirut, Lebanon.

  • M.Abdallah, I.Shahrour, F.HageChehade "Effect of water flowing under seismic loading on the rock slope stability including horizaontal and vertical discontinuities:A Lebanese case study" in proceedings of 8th conference on nymerical methods in geotechnical engineering (numge 2014), Delft, the Netherlands.

  • M.Abdallah, I.Shahrour, F.HageChehade"Stability analysis of a rock mass and effect of water under seismic conditions: Real case in Lebanon" In proceedings of the second European conference on earthquake engineering and seismology (2ECEES 2014), Istanbul, Turkey.

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