Wardani, Riad
Assistant Professor
Rafik Hariri University
Dr. Riad Al Wardany is currently working as an assistant professor of civil engineering at Hariri Canadian University (RHU), Lebanon. Before joining RHU, Dr. Al Wardany worked as a Project Manager at the Institute of Construction of the National Research Council Canada (institute responsible for elaborating the National Building Code of Canada), and as a Research Professional at University of Sherbrooke (Canada). He has also provided consulting services for clients in North America such as: City of Regina, Saskatchewan Agriculture Food and Rural Revitalization, St-Laurence Seaway, Hydro Quebec, Quebec Ministry of Transportation and Port of Montreal. Dr. Al Wardany has published many papers in international conferences and peer-reviewed journals (such as American Concrete Institute [ACI] Materials Journal).
Research Interest
Dr. Al Wardany\'s area of expertise includes but not limited to: civil infrastructure, structural analysis and design; repair of concrete structures; construction methods; concrete technology (ready-mix industry, properties and control tests of fresh and hardened concrete, admixtures, self consolidated concrete, hot and cold weather concreting, mix design, etc.); evaluation of full-scale structural behavior of civil structures; structural health monitoring; Nondestructive testing; smart structures.