Jean-michel Carboni
Sustainable Resource Engineering
Jean-Michel Carboni (born on July 23 1955) is a french Chief Executive Officer, Senior Executive in the energy sector. He was manager of Engie IT services (€1,2 billion of revenue in 2013) andfounder/CEO of ENGIE IT (€600 million in 2013) between 2010-2015. He was member of the top 20 of Engie's management ...
Research Interest
Jean-Michel Carboni (born on July 23 1955) is a french Chief Executive Officer, Senior Executive in the energy sector. He was manager of Engie IT services (€1,2 billion of revenue in 2013) andfounder/CEO of ENGIE IT (€600 million in 2013) between 2010-2015. He was member of the top 20 of Engie's management ...