
Business & Management Experts

Dr.alfredas Chmieliauskas

Department of Economics and Politics
Wesley C Van?Voorhis


Dr. Alfredas Chmieliauskas is the rector of ISM University of Management and Economics. Doc dr Alfredo Chmieliausko's core teaching and research area consists of managing projects, programs and portfolios, as well as organizational strategy and change management. He is the head of the Executive School Project Management Program, one of the founders of the Lithuanian Project Management Association and its long-standing president, as well as a senior consultant of the consulting company Chmieliauskas and Ramonas, UAB. Alfred is also certified as a consultant to the Central and Eastern European Public Administration Network NISPAcee. He has advised and trained more than 200 business and government organizations in Lithuania and abroad. Alfred works regularly in Lithuanian and international public institutions and temporary expert groups dealing with higher education and research strategy. He was a member of the Lithuanian Higher Education Council, Member of the Board of the State Science and Studies Foundation, member of the EU COST program "Individual, Society, Culture and Health", etc. Currently, he is an expert on the Lithuanian Science Council and a member of the group formed by the Prime Minister to solve the problems of optimization of the network of state universities. However, in the field of higher education, the establishment of the ISM University of Management and Economics and its predecessor, the Business Training Center (1999 and 1995 respectively), still remains his favorite project. He is proud to have taken an active part in this project, initially from the Director of Academic Programs, and later as Vice-Rector and Senate Chairperson (until 2008). Alfred likes to work with students and hopes that this hobby is not love without response.

Research Interest

Alfredas Chmieliauskas research interest include: Project Management, Strategic Management, Change Management (Executive School), Project Management (Bachelor Studies).

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