Agri and Aquaculture

Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Lucien Hoffmann

Health care
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology


DEPARTMENT 'ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION' (ERIN) In environment, LIST develops strategies, technologies and tools to better monitor, assess, use and safeguard natural and renewable resources. The portfolio of ERIN’s RDI activities ranges from laboratory and field experiments, environmental model and software development, process control and automation to environmental technologies. The understanding, analysis and evaluation of complex natural and anthropic systems are fostered with advanced tools for big data analytics, visualization and management. ERIN’s RDI activities embrace four thematic domains: Water security and safety, Plants for biomass, biopolymers and bioenergy, Life cycle sustainability and risk assessment, e-Science for environmental and biological applications. Specific needs and innovation challenges of public authorities and companies, in particular SMEs at national level, are furthermore addressed through our Environmental Resource Centre by offering science-based policy and technology support for: Control and prevention of industrial emissions and employment of best available techniques, Chemical substance management (national REACH&CLP Helpdesk), Crop protection in agriculture and viticulture, Environmental (air, soil, water, biodiversity) and climate monitoring and data management. OTHER CURRENT MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES -Member of the nomenclatural committee for algae of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy -Member of the scientific council of the Water Agency Rhine-Meuse -Member of the Governing board of the Foundation ‚Faune & Flore’ -Vice-President of the Luxembourgish Space cluster -Member of the Environmental observatory of Luxembourg -Member of the committee of the Institut grand-ducal, Section des Sciences -Member of the ‘Groupe de travail consultatitf en matière de sciences et technologies spatiales et aéronautiques’ for the Government of Luxembourg DEPARTMENT 'ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION' (ERIN) In environment, LIST develops strategies, technologies and tools to better monitor, assess, use and safeguard natural and renewable resources. The portfolio of ERIN’s RDI activities ranges from laboratory and field experiments, environmental model and software development, process control and automation to environmental technologies. The understanding, analysis and evaluation of complex natural and anthropic systems are fostered with advanced tools for big data analytics, visualization and management. ERIN’s RDI activities embrace four thematic domains: Water security and safety, Plants for biomass, biopolymers and bioenergy, Life cycle sustainability and risk assessment, e-Science for environmental and biological applications. Specific needs and innovation challenges of public authorities and companies, in particular SMEs at national level, are furthermore addressed through our Environmental Resource Centre by offering science-based policy and technology support for: Control and prevention of industrial emissions and employment of best available techniques, Chemical substance management (national REACH&CLP Helpdesk), Crop protection in agriculture and viticulture, Environmental (air, soil, water, biodiversity) and climate monitoring and data management. OTHER CURRENT MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES -Member of the nomenclatural committee for algae of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy -Member of the scientific council of the Water Agency Rhine-Meuse -Member of the Governing board of the Foundation ‚Faune & Flore’ -Vice-President of the Luxembourgish Space cluster -Member of the Environmental observatory of Luxembourg -Member of the committee of the Institut grand-ducal, Section des Sciences -Member of the ‘Groupe de travail consultatitf en matière de sciences et technologies spatiales et aéronautiques’ for the Government of Luxembourg

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