Lisa Quinones
Suar Trade & Engg. Co. Ltd.
Lisa Quinones is a Professor of Nursing at Suffolk County Community College on Long Island. Born and raised of Puerto Rican born parents and raised in the tenements of the lower east side of Manhattan, she has been a registered nurse for the past 32 years, 17 of those as a dual certified advanced nurse practitioner in OB/GYN and Adult Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. She is also certified as an International childbirth educator and a certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. She has been with SCCC since 1/99 and is presently tenured full professor where her work on the department level continuous to prosper with innovation and passion in teaching. The majority of her profession has been focused on the care of women's health primarily to the latino population in inner cities including Washington Heights in New York. She has worked for Planned Parenthood on Long Island and is presently and has been an outreach health consultatant for the national March of Dimes where she imparts perinatal education to latino women on eastern Long Island. She has been a volunteer brigade member and primary educator to the non profit organization Hope for a Healthier Humanity where she provides health education to "promotores" of health and nurses in Central America including El Salvador, Panama and Honduras and the Dominican Republic for the last 7 years. All are voluntary non paid ventures. She is presently Director of Curriculum for a “Water Project” assessing healthcare outcomes of a village where clean water will be introduced for the first time in the village of Divina Providencia, Honduras Her achievements include being recipient of the March of Dimes Woman of Distinction of Long Island in 2006 and presenter to the Panamerican Diaogue in Honduras which is comprised of members of the Central American archdiocese and Vatican. She addressed the United Nations focusing on the Millenium goals of Women and Children in the Dominican Republic, was the FIRST nurse educator ever to receive the Award for Nursing excellence through the Nassau/Suffolk Hospital Coalition, recipient of the Cherokee Comfort Inspiration award of 2011 as an advanced practice nurse and recently received a proclamation from District 13 and the entire county of Suffolk as Woman of distinction. She makes it one her proudest points to have graduates of SCCC accompany her on all travels abroad to experience the true essence of nursing in third world countries. Her biggest achievement however happened 11 years ago when she became a mother of triplets! She has become a voice for prematurity, autism and now International Nursing and the importance of world unity and solidarity! Oh yeah, AND she is a single mother of 14 yo triplets, 2 boys and a beautiful autistic daughter. Never a dull moment!
Research Interest
Lisa was nominated for this award for her extraordinary ability and passionate commitment to mentor and teach not only future nurses but also health-promotion advocates in Latin America whose knowledge and communication directly impact the health of impoverished, rural communities. No audience is too prestigious or too humble for her to share her knowledge, expertise and perspective with – whether a UN conference, officials from the Vatican, or those who help women in Latin America deliver their babies,” says Wendell Mobley who directs Cherokee Uniforms’ charitable and scholarship programs. “Lisa embodies the spirit of the Inspired Comfort Award