Anita Ka Wai Chan
Associate Professor
Business Administration
University of Macau
Anita Ka Wai CHAN is associate professor at University of Macau. She earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration from University of South Australia, Australia.
Research Interest
Conflict Management Styles, Attachment Theory, Trust, Positive Psychological Capital, Ethical Leadership, Dirty Work, Identification, Relational Demography, Emotional Intelligence, Gaming studies
Lai, J., Chan, K. W. & Lam, L.W. 2013. “Defining who you are not: The roles of moral dirtiness and occupational and organizational disidentification in affecting casino employee turnover intention.†Journal of Business Research, 66:1659-1666
Loi, R., Chan, K. W., & Lam, L. W. 2014. “Leader-member exchange as antecedent of organizational identification: A social identity perspective.†Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 87: 42-61. DOI:10.1111/joop.12028
Lam, L.W., Loi, R; Chan, K.W., & Liu, Y. 2016. “Voice more and stay longer; How Ethical Leaders influence Employee Voice and Exit Intention.†Business Ethics Quarterly. 26:3 pp.277-300.