Chan Iat Neng
Assistant Professor
Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
University of Macau
CHAN Iat Neng is an assistant professor at University of Macau. He received his Bachelor's degree from National Taiwan Normal University. He earned his Master degree and Ph.D. from University of California at San Diego.
Research Interest
Physics in high temperature superconductor and thin film, Material Science, Electronics and Power, Environmental Science, Science Education
Subtle exchange model of flow depended on the blood cell shape to enhance the micro-circulation in capillary, I.N. Chan, APS March Meeting, Boston, USA, 2012
Review on trial methods in physics teaching, I.N. Chan, CPS Fall Meeting, Guangzhou, China, 2012
Lin, M, & Chan, I N Implications of regional surface ozone increases on visibility degradation in southeast China at Hong Kong. Tellus,(2012)