Rose Neng Lai
Business Administration
University of Macau
Rose Neng LAI received her Bachelor's degree in Acountancy from University of East Asia, Macao and Master's in Finance / Management Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
Research Interest
Real Estate Finance and Economics, Risk Management and Real Options, Financial Stability, Behavioral Finance
Chen, Jiajin* and Rose Neng Lai. 2013. Pricing Relocation-Redevelopment Projects for City Expansion ¾ the Case in China, Real Estate Economics, 41(4), 925-957.
Lai, Rose Neng and Robert A. Van Order. 2014. Securitization, Risk-taking and the Option to Change Strategy, Real Estate Economics, 42(2), 343-362.
Ciochetti, Brian A., Rose Neng Lai, James D. Shilling. 2015. The Role of Public Markets in International Real Estate Diversification, International Real Estate Review, 18(2), 155-175.