Badzakova Gordana Maceska
Pediatrician pulmoalergologist
Acibadem Sistina Hospital
2010 - now Clinical Hospital "Acibadem Sistina", Skopje, Cabinet for pulmonology, allergology and functional pulmonary diagnostics in children, founder and head of the cabinet, 2008 - 2010 Private practice for pulmoalergology, Skopje, 2002 - 2008 Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, Department of Asthma Disease, Pulmonary Functional Diagnostics and Allergology, Head of Department, 2002 - 2008 Coordinator and educator for the diagnosis and treatment of asthma disease in children in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia, 2002 Published book "Asthma and your child", co-author, 1999 - 2001 Director of the Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, 1996 - 2002 Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, Department of Asthma Disease, Pulmonary Functional Diagnostics and Allergology, Department Head, 1992 - 1996 Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, Department of Asthma Disease, Pulmonary Functional Diagnosis and Allergology, Head of Department for Functional Pulmonary Diagnostics and Allergology, 1985 - 1992 Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, Department of Asthma Disease, Pulmonary Functional Diagnosis and Allergology, Trainee and Pediatrician Specialist, 2010 - now Clinical Hospital "Acibadem Sistina", Skopje, Cabinet for pulmonology, allergology and functional pulmonary diagnostics in children, founder and head of the cabinet, 2008 - 2010 Private practice for pulmoalergology, Skopje, 2002 - 2008 Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, Department of Asthma Disease, Pulmonary Functional Diagnostics and Allergology, Head of Department, 2002 - 2008 Coordinator and educator for the diagnosis and treatment of asthma disease in children in the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia, 2002 Published book "Asthma and your child", co-author, 1999 - 2001 Director of the Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, 1996 - 2002 Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, Department of Asthma Disease, Pulmonary Functional Diagnostics and Allergology, Department Head, 1992 - 1996 Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, Department of Asthma Disease, Pulmonary Functional Diagnosis and Allergology, Head of Department for Functional Pulmonary Diagnostics and Allergology, 1985 - 1992 Institute for Lung Diseases in Children - Kozle, Skopje, Department of Asthma Disease, Pulmonary Functional Diagnosis and Allergology, Trainee and Pediatrician Specialist,
Research Interest