Claire Thompson
Senior Lecturer
Department of Health geography
Univeristy of Pristina
Souci Frissa is a researcher at King's College of London.
Research Interest
"Research interests: Health geography; food environments, food practices, socio-cultural determinants of diet, identities, ethnography, discourse analysis Education: BSc (Hons) Social Policy and Management MA in The Social Sciences PGCE in Post Compulsory Education and Training Membership: Royal Geographic Society (with IBG) – Geography of Health research group Health Environments Research Programme (HERP) at Queen Mary British Sociological Association – Food study group and Medical Sociology study group Competitions: The Mary Langham Essay Prize (first prize) from the Pioneer Health Foundation (2009). First place research competition winner at Emerging and New Research in Geographies of Health and Impairment (ENRGHI), 2009, 14th Annual Conference, Durham"