
Physics Experts

Vengadesh A/l Periasamy

University of Malaya


A biophysicist by interest, Dr. Vengadesh Periasamy is based in Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre (LDMRC), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as a Senior Lecturer/ Research Fellow. His field of expertise and interest mainly involves DNA electronics, Langmuir-Blodgett (LB), Biophotovoltaics (BPV) and Nanomedicine (Riboflavin, Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles for Antipathogenic and Anticancer Properties). His current research groups consist of numerous final year projects, interns, research assistants, MSc. and PhD. students comprising of various disciplines and nationality. Resulting research outputs have been published in various high impact factor journal papers, proceedings, patent, book and book chapter. Research covers a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach whereby underlying fundamentals are thoroughly investigated to enable possible applications by constructing, characterizing and testing prototype sensors/devices. Using LB technique to fabricate pure novel DNA films, we are actively pursuing frontier research into fundamental DNA electronics, which would ultimately enable DNA genomic sequencing for rapid DNA detection and also the fabrication of DNA based environmental sensors. LB method also allows flexibility in designing different types of graphene films either as porous anodes or highly transparent conducting material. These highly customized electrodes will then be utilized to investigate bio-signals or intrinsic cellular noises from antipathogenic/anticancer reactions and other biological pathways of interest. Current research directions are therefore directed towards understanding interfacial properties by deciphering extracted bio-signals to be applied in the fields of nano-bioelectronics, nano-medicine and biomedical technology.

Research Interest

Medical Devices (Nanomedicine, Biosensors, DNA Detection Kits, Genomic Sequencer ) Fuel Cell Technology / Microbial Fuelcell (Biophotovoltaics, Algae Fuel Cells) Bio-Compatible Materials (Graphene, Riboflavin, Bacteriorhodopsin) Nano Particle (Green Synthesis, Silver, Gold, Selenium, Bio-extract, Antipathogenic Properties ) Micro Electro-Mechnical System(Mems) (Nanogaps, DNA Sensors, Biophotovoltaic Platforms) Biophysics (DNA Electronics, Langmuir Blodgett (LB), Biophotovoltaic (BPV), Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles for Antipathogenic and Anticancers Properties, Nanomedicine, Riboflavin))


  • Vengadesh Periasamy, Nastaran Rizan, Hassan Maktuff Jaber Al-Ta ii, Yee Shin Tan, Hairul Annuar Tajuddin and Mitsumasa Iwamoto, (2016), Measuring the Electronic Properties of DNA-Specific Schottky Diodes Towards Detecting and Identifying Basidiomycetes DNA, Nature Scientific Reports, 6: 29879, doi: 10.1038/srep29879 (ISI-Indexed)

  • Gustavo P. M. K. Ciniciato, Fong-Lee Ng, Siew-Moi Phang, Muhammad Musoddiq Jaafar, Adrian C. Fisher, Kamran Yunus and Vengadesh Periasamy, (2016), Investigating the association between photosynthetic efficiency and generation of biophotoelectricity in autotrophic microbial fuel cells, Nature Scientific Reports 6: 31193, doi: 10.1038/srep31193 (ISI-Indexed)

  • Hassan Maktuff Jaber Al-Ta ii, Yusoff Mohd Amin, Vengadesh Periasamy,Humidity influenced capacitance and resistance of an Al/DNA/Al Schottky diode irradiated by alpha particles,Scientific Reports | 6:25519 | DOI: 10.1038/srep25519 (ISI-Indexed)

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