Gregory Wurtz
2z Systems Limited
University of Technology of Compiegne, France Thesis Title: ‘Development of a near-field optical microscope using a conducting probe: Use for the local study of optoelectronic components and demonstration of the lightning-rod effect.’ The research was performed at the University of Technology of Troyes, France
Research Interest
Scanning probe microscopy; nano-optics; plasmonics; organic semi-conductors; polymers; nonlinear and ultrafast optics. Equipment/methods: Lasers; scanning probe microscopes (Atomic-Magnetic-Pulsed Force Microscopies, Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy, Scanning-Transmission Electron Microscopy); Focused Ion Beam Milling (FIB); wet chemistry; electrochemistry; general electronics and mechanical design. Scientific software: COMSOL (Finite Element Calculations), Mathcad, MAPLE, MATLAB, HyperChem (molecular orbital modeling).