Christina T. Teng
Institut Pasteur de Bangui
Christina Teng, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist who joined the NTP Biomolecular Screening Branch (BSB) in 2008. She is a participant in the tripartite collaboration among the NTP — comprised of NIEHS, the NIH Chemical Genomics Center (NCGC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — that identifies key signaling pathways for environmental toxicants. Teng is also a member of a group that is involved in assay selection, design of the NTP initiative for High Throughput Screening and data analysis for subsequent recommendations on follow-up screening.
Research Interest
Toxicoinformatics,Molecular Biology
Parham FM, Kohn MC, Matthews HB, DeRosa C, Portier CJ. Using structural information to create physiologically based pharmacokinetic models for all polychlorinated biphenyls : I: Tissue:blood partition coefficients. TAP 1997; 144:340-347.
Freeman GB, Dill JA, Johnson, JD, Kurtz PJ, Parham FM, Mathews HB. Comparative absorption of lead from contaminated soil and lead salts by weanling fischer 344 rats. , Fundam Appl Toxicol 1996; 33:109-119.