Noorjahan Ali
Institut Pasteur de Bangui
Noorjahan Ali, M.D. Assistant Professor Department Pediatrics Education Medical School New York Medical College (2010) Residency University of Pittsburg Medical Center (2013), Pediatrics Fellowship University of Colorado Program (2016), Neonatal-perinatal Medicine
Research Interest
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia ECMO Pulmonary hypertension Resuscitation
Histologic Evidence of Intrapulmonary Bronchopulmonary Anastomotic Pathways in Neonates with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. Ali N, Abman SH, Galambos C J. Pediatr. 2015 Dec 167 6 1445-7
Resuscitation practices for infants in the NICU, PICU and CICU: results of a national survey. Ali N, Sawyer T, Barry J, Grover T, Ades A J Perinatol 2016 Oct