Ronald P. Mason
Institut Pasteur de Bangui
The Free Radical Metabolism Group studies free radicals, which are atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons in an outer electron shell. Free radicals are constantly formed in the body during normal metabolic processes, and biological systems have evolved to live with, control, and even utilize them. However, when their formation is greatly increased, or protective mechanisms compromised, a state of oxidative stress will result. If oxidative stress is persistent, it will lead to molecular damage and tissue injury. Although oxidative stress is thought to be involved in the pathophysiology of several diseases and aging, to date, molecular mechanisms remain poorly defined and the measurement of oxidative stress in humans has not been established for clinical diagnosis. The Free Radical Metabolism Group uses electron spin resonance (ESR) and immuno-spin trapping technique to detect and identify free radical metabolism of toxic chemicals, drugs, and biochemicals to unravel the molecular mechanisms that lead to oxidative stress. In addition, the group has become interested in determining measurable, sensitive and specific biomarkers for oxidative damage in rodents, non-human primates, and humans.
Research Interest
Mechanisms of Oxidative Stress