Bioinformatics & Systems Biology

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Sue Fenton

Institut Pasteur de Bangui


The Reproductive Endocrinology Group focuses on the role of environmental chemicals in breast developmental timing as it relates to puberty, increased susceptibility to breast cancer, and altered lactational ability. The group provides expertise in the use of whole mount preparations in evaluating early life development of both male and female rat offspring and lifelong effects in female mice.

Research Interest

Studying human disease using mice and rat models, translating internal dose in animal models to known exposure levels in U.S. residents. Investigating the developmental effects of high use herbicides and their metabolites, other compounds such as surfactants, phenolic compounds used in food storage, and common lipophilic flame retardants and pollutants.


  • Current projects: Investigate the function of hepatic and intestinal SIRT1 in lipid metabolism Study the role of SIRT1 in age-associated metabolic diseases Understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the phosphorylation regulation of SIRT1 Identification of other signaling pathways regulated by sirtuins

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