Dr. Sayed Hassen Sayed Zahiruddeen
Senior Lecturer
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
University of Medical Sciences
Monash University, BEng (Hons) - Electrical & Computing Monash University, MSc - Master of Engineering Science (Research) The University of New South Wales, Phd - Project Title: Optimal and Robust Feedback Control of Quantum Systems
Research Interest
Automatic Control, Robust Control, Gain-Scheduled Control, Linear Matrix Inequalities.
S. Z. Sayed Hassen, C. Bhurtun, 2005, Trends in the Power Sector in Mauritius, Industrial and Commercial Use of Energy, South-Africa, PgNo.137--140
S. Z. Sayed Hassen, F. Crusca, C. Bhurtun, 2005, Polytopic and LFT Approach to Gain-Scheduling: A Design Example, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, Victoria Hotel, Mauritius, PgNo.351-356
Mr. Sayed Hassen, Dr. F. Crusca, Dr. H. Abachi, 2000, Modelling Systems for Control Studies - An Overview, International Society for Computers and their Applications, U. S.