Marcial Leonardo Lizárraga Partida
Principal Researcher
Department of Marine Biotechnology
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada
Marcial Leonardo Lizárraga Partida is a Principal Researcher from Department of Marine Biotechnology working currently projects mentioned below • Bacterial metagenomas in column of water and deep water sediments of the gulf of mexico Determination of bacterial composition of hydrocarbons in deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico (Dr. Leonardo Lizárraga). • Distribution of hydrocarboclastic bacteria in sediments and deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico • XIXIMI oceanographic campaigns in the deep water area line 2
Research Interest
Marine molecular microbiology
Barrera EG, Wong CI, Fernandez RCL, Vázquez Botello A, et al. (2016) Quantification of Vibrio species in oysters from the Gulf of Mexico with two procedures based on MPN and PCR. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188: 602.
Guerrero RCA, Lizárraga PML, Gómez GB, Licea NAF, Revilla CVJ, et al. (2017) Genetic analysis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus O3:K6 strains that have been isolated in Mexico since 1998. PLoS ONE 12: e0169722.