Miguel Ãngel Alonso Arevalo
Asoc Investigator
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada
Miguel Ãngel Alonso Arevalo is a Asoc Investigator from Department of Electronics and Telecommunications in Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education in Ensenada.
Research Interest
Electronics and Telecommunications
Garza LA, Yepes LF, Covarrubias DH, Alonso MA, Panduro MA (2016) Synthesis of sparse circular antenna arrays applying a tapering technique over reconstructed continuous current distribution. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 10: 347-352.
Hernández EA, Alonso MA, Chávez E, Covarrubias DH, Conte R (2017) Robust polygon recognition method with similarity invariants applied to star identification. Advances in Space Research 59: 1095-111.