
Geology & Earth Science Experts

Modesto Ortiz Figueroa

Principal Researcher
Department of Physical Oceanography
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada


Modesto Ortiz Figueroa is Principal Researcher from Department of Physical Oceanography in Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education Ensenada. He is currently under projects listed below.Response of the eastern Pacific coast to the impact of tsunamis Coord. From the inv. Cfca. And from pos. In physical oceanography Coordination of oceanographic equipment and electronic instrumentation. Tidal network and tsunami warning system Education, Training, and Services in Underwater Activities of the Department of Physical Oceanography

Research Interest



  • Arroyo LRG, Álvarez BS, Ortiz FM, Calderón ALE (2015) Spatial and temporal variation of satellite-derived phytoplankton biomass and production in the California Current System off Punta Eugenia, during 1997-2012. Hydrobiological 25: 321-334.

  • Singh SK, Arroyo D, Pérez CX, Rodríguez Q, Iglesias A, et al. (2016) Fast Identification of Near-Trench Earthquakes along the Mexican Subduction Zone Based on Characteristics of Ground Motion in Mexico City. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 106: 2071-2080.

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