Oscar Sosa Nishizaki
Principal Researcher
Department of Biological Oceanography
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada
Oscar Sosa Nishizaki is a Principal Researcher from Department of Biological Oceanography and listed in below projects • Characterization of the use of the pelagic habitat by large vertebrates (cetaceans and pelagic fish) line 2 • Analysis of elasmobranch fisheries on the west coast of Baja California • Operation and maintenance of the fleet of the Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Research Interest
Oceanography and fisheries ecology Use and conservation of marine resources
Oñate GEC, Sosa NO, Herzka LSZ, Lowe CG, Lyons K, et al. (2017) Importance of Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino as a nursery area for white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Northeastern Pacific: A fishery dependent analysis. Fisheries Research 188: 125-137.