Rosa Reyna Mouriño Pérez
Principal Researcher
Department of Experimental Microbiology
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada
Rosa Reyna Mouriño Pérez is Principal Researcher for Department of Experimental Microbiology and handling projects entitled below • Role of flipases in the polarized growth of aspergillus nidulans and neurospora crassa • Characterization of regulatory proteins of the cytoskeleton interaction of actin and microtubules during the polarized growth of Neurospora crassa
Research Interest
Cellular and molecular bases of the development of the fungi Prevention, diagnosis and control of plant and human diseases
Clark OI, Callejas NOA , Aréchiga CET, Mouriño PRR (2016) Candida species diversity and antifungal susceptibility patterns in oral samples of HIV / AIDS patients in Baja California, Mexico. MEDICAL MYCOLOGY 1-10.
Schultzhaus Z, Zheng W, Wang Z, Mouriño PRR, Shaw BD (2017) Phospholipid flippases DnfA and DnfB exhibit differential dynamics within the A. nidulans Spitzenkörper. Fungal Genetics and Biology 99: 26-28.