Dr. Arturo Alvarado
women health
Centro de Biologia?Oceanus
Arturo Alvarado has a Ph. D. in Sociology. Since 1986, he is a full time professor and current Director of Centro de Estudios Sociologicos in El Colegio de Mexico. In 2009 was invited as “Maitre de Conferences” at the Institute de Hautes Etudes D’Amerique Latin (IHEAL) at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. Also, He has been Visiting Fellow or Professor at Brown University. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars as Visiting Scholar. His must recent book is “Vidas Truncadas, el exceso de mortalidad en America Latina” “Truncated Lifes, a Study of the Excess Homicide Rates of Young population on Latin America” in 2015 published by El Colegio de Mexico. Arturo Alvarado has a Ph. D. in Sociology. Since 1986, he is a full time professor and current Director of Centro de Estudios Sociologicos in El Colegio de Mexico. In 2009 was invited as “Maitre de Conferences” at the Institute de Hautes Etudes D’Amerique Latin (IHEAL) at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. Also, He has been Visiting Fellow or Professor at Brown University. at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars as Visiting Scholar. His must recent book is “Vidas Truncadas, el exceso de mortalidad en America Latina” “Truncated Lifes, a Study of the Excess Homicide Rates of Young population on Latin America” in 2015 published by El Colegio de Mexico.
Research Interest
women health