Dr. David Ness
CHI St Alexius Health Dickinson
David Ness, AuD, is an audiologist at CHI St. Alexius Health Dickinson's Medical Clinic in Ear, Nose & Throat services (formerly Badlands Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic). Dr. Ness is a native of Bismarck, ND, and a graduate of Louisiana Tech University. Before beginning his practice here he was in Boise, ID, where he practiced at the Hearing and Balance Centers at the Elks. He sees patients from pediatric to geriatric and provides these hearing services : Diagnostic testing for all ages and includes: Comprehensive audiological evaluations, Speech-in-noise testing, Immittance testing, Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) testing, Tinnitus evaluations and management strategies Hearing aid services ranging from conventional to state-of-the-art digital circuitry Balance services include: Videonystagmography (VNG) evaluations, Computerized Dynamnic Posturography (CDP) evaluations
Research Interest