Dr. Ricardo Reyes Chilpa
Department of Natural Products
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Dr. Ricardo Reyes Chilpa has completed his PhD. in Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. MSc. from the Institute of Research on Biotic Resources. BSc. (Biology) from the Metropolitan University. Visiting researcher (sabbatical leave 2006) School of Pharmacy, Barcelona University, Spain and University of California at Irvine, USA. At present he is fully researcher in the university of chemistry, Mexico.
Research Interest
Dr. Ricardo Reyes Chilpa focused on the Search for natural compounds from vegetal origin with antiviral activity (immunodeficiency virus type 1), in particular reverse transcriptase inhibitors, Characterization of the active principles of medicinal plants with activity over the smooth muscle, antidiabetic, antitumoral and antiparasitaries (Trypanosoma cruzi), Chemical defenses of vegetal species against fungi, insects, and contending plants.
Herrera-Ruiz M, Zamilpa A, González-Cortazar M, Reyes-Chilpa R, León E, GarcÃa MP, Tortoriello J, Huerta-Reyes M. Antidepressant effect and pharmacological evaluation of standardized extract of flavonoids from Byrsonima crassifolia. Phytomedicine. 2011 Nov 15;18(14):1255-61.
Zavaleta-Mancera H, Reyes-Chilpa R, GarcÃa-Zebadua J. Leaf structure of two chemotypes of Calophyllum brasiliense from Mexico. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2011 Jul 1;17(S2):340.
César GZ, Alfonso MG, Marius MM, Elizabeth EM, Ãngel CB, Maira HR, Guadalupe CL, Manuel JE, Ricardo RC. Inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, toxicological and chemical profile of Calophyllum brasiliense extracts from Chiapas, Mexico. Fitoterapia. 2011 Oct 31;82(7):1027-34.