Kevin Lombard
Associate Professor
Plant and Environmental Sciences
New Mexico State University
EDUCATION May, 1991 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Horticulture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. August, 2000 Master of Science in Agriculture, Horticulture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas May, 2007 Doctor of Philosophy, Major: Agronomy; Minor: Public Health (US and Mexico Border Health Issues), New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM WORK EXPERIENCE 2015- present Superintendent, Agricultural Science Center at Farmington. Administrative leadership to the ASC Farmington, located on land leased from the Navajo Nation. 2014- Present Associate Professor of Horticulture (Tenured), New Mexico State University Plant and Environmental Sciences department/Agricultural Science Center at Farmington. 75% research (NMSU) and 25% teaching (San Juan College). Research focus: specialty horticultural crop introductions for semi-arid Northwest New Mexico and the design of integrated approaches 1) to improve wellness of Navajo people and 2) to conserve water in the urban landscape. 2007-2014 Assistant Professor of Horticulture, New Mexico State University Plant and Environmental Sciences department/Agricultural Science Center at Farmington 2007 U.S. Crisis Corps Volunteer, FAO Junior Farmer Field and Life School (JFFLS) Lusese village advisor, Caprivi Region, Namibia. One hectare school community garden project targeting HIV/AIDS impacted orphans and vulnerable children. Led train the trainer HIV/AIDS prevention and life skill building activities with adult facilitators. Identified sites for two-year Peace Corps volunteers. 2001-2007 Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Teaching activities: Instruction of Principles of Agronomy/Horticulture labs and curricula revision. Dissertation tittle: Opportunities and challenges of Poplar-based agroforestry in the Four Corners
Research Interest
Investigation of wine and table grape adaptability to the Four Corners Region, Horticulture and Public Health: developing strategies for abating diabetes on the Navajo Nation Developing a horticulture curriculum for San Juan College
Lombard, K.A., S.C. Forster-Cox, K. Huttlinger, D. Smeal, S.A.A. Beresford and M. O’Neill. 2011. Gardens for Health: Development of a Model Diabetes Intervention Project among an Indigenous Tribe in Northwest New Mexico. Acta Hort. 911:311-316
Lombard, K.A. B. Maier, F.J. Thomas, M.K. O’Neill, S. Allen, and R. Heyduck. 2013. Wine Grape Cultivar Performance in the Four Corners Region of New Mexico: 2010-2012. HortTechnology. 23(5) 699-709
Lombard, K.A., *K. McCarver, F.J. Thomas, R. Acharya, T. Bates. 2014. What’s Hop’pening in Northwest New Mexico? Hops (Humulus lupulus) trials summary 2009 to 2014. American Society for Horticultural Sciences. July 28-30, 2014. Orlando, FL. HortScience 49(9):S318-319 (Abstr.).
Lombard, K.A., B. Barnett, and R. Arnold. 2015. Tiny houses for Northwest, NM: A collaboration between San Juan College and the New Mexico State University Agricultural Science Center at Farmington to demonstrate sustainable living. Aug 4-7, 2015. New Orleans, LA. 3 HortScience 50(9):S362 (Abstr.)
Ornelas, I., D. Deschenie, S. Bishop, K.A. Lombard, S.A.A. Beresford (Submitted 2016). Yéego Gardening!: A Community Garden Intervention to Promote Health on the Navajo Nation. Progress for Community Health Partnerships. (In Press).