
Pharmaceutical Sciences Experts

Dawn Delfin

Assistant Professor
University of New Mexico


Delfin is a graduate of Smith College with a BA in chemistry (1998) and received her PhD in medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy from The Ohio State University in 2007. At OSU, she studied all aspects of drug discovery and development for protozoan parasite diseases. She did postdoctoral research in the College of Medicine at OSU on molecular players in cardiomyopathy and heart failure, focusing on the protein claudin-5.

Research Interest

Delfín has a background in drug discovery and design, utilizing both chemistry and biology as approaches to discovering new treatments. The Delfín lab, with funding from the American Heart Association, is seeking novel ways to support cell adhesion to the heart to improve the success of stem cell therapy to treat heart failure. The Delfín lab uses cell culture, fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry to answer these research questions. Delfín has served as a reviewer for medicinal chemistry journals, the NIH and the American Heart Association.

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